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Daylight robbery in Bantwal

Published On : 24 Oct 2018

Bantwal: Usually robbery is restricted to night times. However it looks like robbers have become more brave now. On Tuesday, a daylight theft occurred at Bobbekeri, Devasyabailu at Vittal. Gold and cash worth lacs of rupees were stolen by the robbers from a house in which the inmates were out at the time of robbery.

Vishnugupta Punacha alias Ramesh K, a Vittal-based journalist, had gone out from his house at 11 am. His wife also had gone to work. When both of them returned at 4 pm in the evening, they were shocked to see their house ransacked by the thieves. They have stolen Rs 65,000 in cash that was kept in the cupboard and 18 sovereigns of gold.

Dog squad and finger print experts from Mangaluru have reached the spot and conducted spot inspection. Vittal police have registered a case in this connection. Locals have informed the police that unidentified scrap dealers were roaming in the vicinity of this locality for the past few days.

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