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canara news

Lakshmi Hebbalkar alleges being offered 30 crores by BJP

Published On : 29 Sep 2018

Belagavi: Belagavi Rural MLA Lakshmi Hebbalkar, who was recently involved in controversies with her party leaders has made another controversial statement. However this time it is not against her party, but against BJP.

“BJP offered me Rs 30 crore as well as a ministerial berth in the cabinet if they formed the government. They wanted me to leave Congress and join them. But I refused. I have informed the Congress party about this incident. The offer was made over phone. I am not a person who is after power. My loyalty to Congress is unquestionable,” said Belagavi Rural MLA Lakshmi Hebbalkar.

She refused to reveal the name of the BJP leader who phoned her. BJP had approached many Congress legislators to join them and topple the coalition government. But they will not succeed. Some people are saying I just won the last election due to some wave. I want to show those people what I am. I will make sure that the Congress candidate gets minimum one lac votes in next Lok Saba election from my constituency,” she said.

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