Saturday 29th, June 2024
canara news

Mr. Ivan D’Souza MLC Visited the campus of St. Joseph’s Prashanth Nivas

Published On : 22 Jun 2024   |  Reported By : media release

Mr. Ivan D’Souza MLC Visited the campus of St. Joseph’s Prashanth Nivas Jeppu to greet the inmates & Sisters residing there on 21st June 2024.

Sr. Sylvia Fernandes the Superintendent of St. Joseph’s Prashanth Nivas along with Sisters staff & residents organized a short felicitation programme. Mr. Ivan D’Souza MLC Dr. Kavitha, Sr. Sylvia Fernandes, Sr. Vida Oliviera & Sr. Helen Fernandes were present on the dias. He was welcomed & greeted with bouquet flowers. Sr. Sylvia welcomed all. Sr. Lynet Preetha D’Souza in her felicitation speech said that : MLC Ivan Dsouza has worked very hard to uplift the down trodden and given himself for the poor and needy. His humble service and unified work has brought light in the lives of many.”

All present on the dias honoured Mr. Ivan Dsouza and his Wife Dr. Kavitha Mr. Victor Vas compered the programme and Sr. Josephine D’Silva gave vote of thanks.


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