Saturday 27th, July 2024
canara news

Gold ornaments robbed from Durga Annapoorneshwari temple

Published On : 28 Sep 2016

Karkala: Thieves burgled gold ornaments estimated at six lac rupees from Durga Annapoorneshwari temple at Hebri on the night of Monday September 27.

229 grams of ornaments including four Karimani chains and armour of the idol were stolen by the thieves. The lock of the main door was found to have been broken. On September 15, the idol of the goddess had been decorated with ornaments. On account of upcoming Navaratri festivities beginning on October 1, the ornaments had not been removed after the special puja that day.

The temple is located far away from populous areas about seven km inside the forest area. The house of the priest is the only other structure standing in the vicinity of the temple.


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