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HJV members detained for protesting against Prakash Rai

Published On : 02 Dec 2018

Mangaluru: Five Hindu Jagarana Vedike (HJV) members were detained by the police for raising slogans against actor, Prakash Rai, at Shanthi Kiran, Bajjodi on Saturday . A group of about 25 HJV activists staged a protest and raised slogans against Prakash Rai, who has been participating in the programme as chief guest in the two-day Jananudi programme at Shanthi Kiran Bajjodi.

When Prakash Rai arrived at the venue, HJV members raised slogans and asked Rai to go back. Immediately thereafter, police intervened and detained Sharath Padavinangadi, Subhash, Praveen, and Sunil. After the arrest of HJV members, the programme went ahead as planned .

A huge contingent of police force has been deployed around the venue. “There is no issue at Sabarimala. Some unnecessarily created it for political mileage. They publicly announced that it is a golden opportunity for them to encash. I think it is a very cheap political strategy. We cannot allow it. Getting mileage in the name of religion and belief systems does not serve a progressive society. Religion and beliefs are personal. But we should understand that religion and rituals do not provide us daily bread and education," Rai said.

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