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canara news

Police raid auto with cow and calf

Published On : 22 Jul 2018

Moodbidri: The police found that a cow and calf were being transported in a three-wheeler at Valpady in a violent way. They took into possession the auto rickshaw in question and the animals being carried therein.

An auto rickshaw that was moving towards the town from Hosmar was carrying the above-referred cattle. A car which was following the auto rickshaw repeatedly honked in order to alert the auto driver to give them space to overtake. But the rickshaw driver perhaps thought that the car was following him because of illegal transportation of cattle. He refused to move aside and blocked the path of the car,

Angered by this behaviour, the car driver somehow overtook the three-wheeler near Valpady school and blocked the path of the vehicle to question those inside the vehicle. However, the driver and two others who were inside the auto rickshaw abandoned the vehicle and took their heels. The police, who got information about the incident, reached the spot and took up investigation.

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