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canara news

Ramakrishna Mission launches 3rd phase of Swachh Bharath

Published On : 02 Oct 2016

Mangaluru: The third phase of the Swachh Bharath Abhiyan was launched on Gandhi Jayanthi Day on October 2, Sunday in the presence of a host of dignitaries including N Vinay Hegde, Chancellor of Nitte University, BHV Prasad, General Manager of MRPL, Capt Ganesh Karnik, MLC and others.

As many as 75 Municipal workers of Mangaluru were felicitated on this occasion for their contribution towards the cleanliness of the city.

Cleaning equipment towards the Abhiyan were distributed to the team leaders while a seminar on ’ Swachh Manas for Swachh Bharath’ was organised. The seminar was inaugurated by Swami Bodhasaranandaji, Assistant Secretary of Ramakrishna Mission, Belur Mutt while Dr B M Hegde and Air Vice Marshal Ramesh Karnik were the resource persons.

Justice K S Hegde Foundation and MRPL were supporting the cause.

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