Saturday 27th, July 2024
canara news

Health News

Oral medication better protects diabetics from pollution

Oral medication better protects diabetics from pollution

New York: Oral diabetes medications are more effective than insulin in protecting diabetics from the adverse... 

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Man's best friend can detect prostate cancer

Man's best friend can detect prostate cancer

London: A new study suggests that trained German shepherd dogs can sniff out the chemicals...

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Essential nutrient can protect heart post cardiac arrest

Essential nutrient can protect heart post cardiac arrest

New York: Researchers have discovered that administering supplements of an essential mineral nutrient... 

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Exercise during pregnancy benefits male offspring more

Exercise during pregnancy benefits male offspring more

Sydney: Male offspring appear to benefit more than females from the positive effects of exercise during...

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Daily exercise can fix non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

Daily exercise can fix non-alcoholic fatty liver disease

Sydney: Even a short and moderate regime of daily exercise benefits obese and overweight adults with non...

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Quit smoking as it won't make you shed fat

Quit smoking as it won't make you shed fat

New York: Even as the idea that smoking helps control weight is baseless, women smokers who believe...

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Why some women can't say no to junk food

Why some women can't say no to junk food

Melbourne: Eating a healthy diet during adolescence could reverse the junk-food cravings in males...

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High-fat yoghurt and cheese may lower diabetes risk

High-fat yoghurt and cheese may lower diabetes risk

New Delhi: Eating high-fat yoghurt and cheese can reduce the risk of developing type 2 diabetes by a fifth, according...

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Vaccine boosts immune response in cancer patients

Vaccine boosts immune response in cancer patients

Washington: A new vaccine improves the immune system's response to cancer by using altered forms...

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US firm develops glasses for colour blindness

US firm develops glasses for colour blindness

San Francisco: A US firm has given thousands of people their first look into the colours red and green by tricking...

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One-hour TV daily may up diabetes risk

One-hour TV daily may up diabetes risk

New York: Think twice before you settle down for your favourite TV show as every hour you spend ...i

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Energy drinks bad for youngsters' heart

Energy drinks bad for youngsters' heart

London: Excessive consumption of energy drinks can trigger sudden cardiac deaths in youngsters...

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Mumbai-based homeopath Dr. Rajesh Shah has developed a new medicine for AIDS

Mumbai-based homeopath Dr. Rajesh Shah has developed a new medicine for AIDS

Mumbai: Mumbai-based homeopath Dr. Rajesh Shah has developed a new medicine for AIDS patients.... 

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Australian researchers find unique way to combat dengue

Australian researchers find unique way to combat dengue

Melbourne: Australian researchers have come up with a unique way of preventing the spread of the dengue...

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Have peanuts with meal to ward off heart diseases

Have peanuts with meal to ward off heart diseases

New York: Including peanut in a high-fat meal may protect your heart from the negative effects of such a diet...

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Most parents can't tell if their kid is obese

Most parents can't tell if their kid is obese

London: Parents of obese children may not be able to recognise that their kid is overweight unless...

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Multi-tasking can hamper your brain

Multi-tasking can hamper your brain

New York: Multi-tasking can hamper your performance and may even damage your brain, claim researchers...

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Why diabetes drug makes people fat

Why diabetes drug makes people fat

New York: Medication used to treat patients with Type II diabetes activates sensors on brain cells that... 

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Popular artificial sweetener may treat aggressive cancers

Popular artificial sweetener may treat aggressive cancers

New York: Once considered as a possible carcinogen, the artificial sweetener saccharin could actually... 

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Eight oils that can heal your body

Eight oils that can heal your body

Los Angeles: Using an adequate amount of the right kinds of fats and oils can play a pivotal role... 

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