Saturday 27th, July 2024
canara news

Health News

Diabetes drug may help obese people lose fat

Diabetes drug may help obese people lose fat

New York: A drug originally meant for diabetics may help obese individuals without diabetes shed...

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Genes don't trigger heart disease in migraine sufferers

Genes don't trigger heart disease in migraine sufferers

New York: In people suffering from migraine with aura, genes cannot be blamed for the increased risk...

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Excess vitamin A disrupts immune system

Excess vitamin A disrupts immune system

London: Too much Vitamin A shuts down the body's trained immunity, opening door to infections to which we would...

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Office naps boost productivity, kill frustration

Office naps boost productivity, kill frustration

New York: Employees must be allowed to take short naps during office hours as this will boost productivity...

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Young, fit people lose more muscle mass if inactive

Young, fit people lose more muscle mass if inactive

London: If you stop using your legs just for two weeks, you would lose a third of your muscular strength even...

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High BP linked to reduced Alzheimer's risk

High BP linked to reduced Alzheimer's risk

Washington: People with a genetic tendency to high blood pressure (BP) have a lower risk for Alzheimer's...

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'Depressed people may hold on to the blues'

'Depressed people may hold on to the blues'

London: Even when depressed people have the opportunity to decrease their sadness, they do not necessarily...

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Simple breath test to detect stomach cancer in a jiffy

Simple breath test to detect stomach cancer in a jiffy

London: British researchers have developed a breath test that can detect oesophageal and gastric... 

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'High-normal' BP in youth may increase heart disease risk later

'High-normal' BP in youth may increase heart disease risk later

Washington: Mild elevations in blood pressure considered to be in the upper range of normal during early... 

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Experimental drug shows promise to treat Alzheimer`s

Experimental drug shows promise to treat Alzheimer`s

New York: An experimental drug has been found to protect Alzheimer's-inflicted mice from memory...

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Yoga may lessen prenatal depression: Study

Yoga may lessen prenatal depression: Study

New York: Yoga could help pregnant women suffering from depression reduce its severity...

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Knees hurting at young age? Watch your steps

Knees hurting at young age? Watch your steps

New Delhi: Aspiring to be fit and healthy, Ranjitha, 35, decided to hit the gym hard every morning. Soon...

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Eating nuts, peanuts can lower your risk of dying

Eating nuts, peanuts can lower your risk of dying

People who eat at least 10 grammes of nuts or peanuts daily have a lower risk of dying from several major causes...

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Why diet foods don't satisfy us

Why diet foods don't satisfy us

New York:  Evolution has trained our brain to expect calories or energy from sweet-tasting foods and that...

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Light-intensity exercise beneficial for older adults

Light-intensity exercise beneficial for older adults

Washington: Five hours a week of light-intensity exercise provide significant health benefits for people

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'Common genetic roots between creativity, psychiatric problems'

'Common genetic roots between creativity, psychiatric problems'

London: Genes linked to creativity could also increase the risk of developing schizophrenia and bipolar disorder...

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Phase II human trial for Type-1 diabetes vaccine

Phase II human trial for Type-1 diabetes vaccine

New York: The US Food and Drug Administration (FDA) has approved a phase II clinical trial for testing... 

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Sitting or standing too long is hazardous for health

Sitting or standing too long is hazardous for health

New Delhi: The memo is out: when at work, stand for a minimum two hours if you want a healthier...

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New drug may prevent death from flu virus

New drug may prevent death from flu virus

Toronto: Scientists in Canada have developed a new drug that offers an unconventional approach...

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Good sugar control helps diabetics' hearts

Good sugar control helps diabetics' hearts

New York: Keeping blood sugar levels under good control for many years can reduce the risk of suffering... 

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