Friday 26th, July 2024
canara news

Health News

Relax! Coffee won't make heartbeat go haywire

Relax! Coffee won't make heartbeat go haywire

London: People who like drinking coffee can safely continue to have it, at least in moderation, without the risk... 

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Diabetes medication could treat alcohol addiction

Diabetes medication could treat alcohol addiction

London: A medication used for diabetes and obesity could also be used for the treatment of alcohol...

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Skipped a heartbeat? Don't panic, but get advice to bring rhythm back in life

Skipped a heartbeat? Don't panic, but get advice to bring rhythm back in life

New Delhi: If you are young and at times experience sudden weakness, perspiration, shortness ...

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Depression? It could be just sleep apnea

Depression? It could be just sleep apnea

Sydney: Just having suicidal thoughts need not necessarily suggest that you are suffering from...

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Why you need to exercise more than your parents did

Why you need to exercise more than your parents did

Toronto:  If you are around 25 years of age and struggling with weight gain, you would have to

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Dental diseases cost the world $442 bn annually

Dental diseases cost the world $442 bn annually

New York: Improvement in oral health alone can offer the world substantial economic benefit as researchers have...

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Energy drinks linked to serious head injury in teens

Energy drinks linked to serious head injury in teens

Toronto: Teenagers who consume energy drinks are much more likely to sustain traumatic brain injuries (TBI)...

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Experts decode Inuit adaptation to high-fat diet in Arctic

Experts decode Inuit adaptation to high-fat diet in Arctic

Washington: An analysis of the genetic makeup of the Inuit people, who live in an extreme climate....

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Hour-long daytime nap ups diabetes risk

Hour-long daytime nap ups diabetes risk

London: While taking a short nap may be good for your health, extending it to an hour or more significantly increases...

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First human trial shows coffee at night disrupts sleep

First human trial shows coffee at night disrupts sleep

New York: A double espresso three hours before bedtime can induce a 40-minute...

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Smokers at increased risk of tooth loss

Smokers at increased risk of tooth loss

London: Regular and heavy smokers have a significantly increased risk of tooth loss, warns a study...

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Poor sleep habits put you at heart disease risk

Poor sleep habits put you at heart disease risk

New York: Poor sleep habits may put you at higher risk for heart diseases when compared to those who get... 

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Mid-morning work break improves health, productivity

Mid-morning work break improves health, productivity

New York Rather than the typical culture of working hard all morning only to take a lunch-hour or mid-afternoon...

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Obesity may lower risk of arthritis in men: Study

Obesity may lower risk of arthritis in men: Study

London: Overweight or obese men may have reduced risk of developing rheumatoid arthritis, a new study claims...

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Share humour with your toddlers to make them smart

Share humour with your toddlers to make them smart

London: Making toddlers laugh with your antics help them learn new tasks faster, a team of French scientists... 

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Guard yourself against problems, sugar addicts!

Guard yourself against problems, sugar addicts!

New Delhi: If you are constantly craving sweet foods, you are a sugar addict! Beware against headaches and brush...

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Exercise good for pulmonary hypertension patients

Exercise good for pulmonary hypertension patients

New York: Low-intensity exercise improves heart function and overall quality of life for people suffering from... 

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ZuperMeal to do doorstep delivery of healthy, fresh meals

ZuperMeal to do doorstep delivery of healthy, fresh meals

Mumbai: Mumbai-based food aggreagator service firm ZuperMeal on Tuesday said that it had launched... 

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Single mothers worse off than single fathers

Single mothers worse off than single fathers

New York: Single mothers are far more likely to live in poverty than single fathers and their condition...

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Vehicular air pollution increases heart attack risk

Vehicular air pollution increases heart attack risk

London: Even short term exposure to particulate matter and nitric dioxide (NO2) air pollution, that originate... 

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