Saturday 27th, July 2024
canara news

Health News

What accelerates ageing in smokers

What accelerates ageing in smokers

Tokyo: A team of Japanese researchers has decoded the mechanism behind what accelerates...

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Drinking cranberry juice may protect your heart

Drinking cranberry juice may protect your heart

New York: Two cups of cranberry juice daily may help protect you against cardiovascular diseases, suggests... 

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Exercise can keep post-heart attack depression away

Exercise can keep post-heart attack depression away

New York: Regular exercise and quitting smoking can stave off depression which is more common among people... 

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Vaginal bacteria that can protect women from HIV

Vaginal bacteria that can protect women from HIV

New York: Researchers have identified a type of vaginal bacteria that can protect women from the human...

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Repeating aloud to another person boosts verbal memory

Repeating aloud to another person boosts verbal memory

Toronto: If you want to remember a poem or some other lesson, repeating it aloud while addressing another...

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Heavy internet use may put teens at high BP risk

Heavy internet use may put teens at high BP risk

New York: Teenagers who spend hours on the internet may be at risk of gaining unhealthy weight and having...

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Not just moms, expectant dads get depressed too

Not just moms, expectant dads get depressed too

Toronto: While "baby blues" as well as prenatal depression are linked mainly with women, researchers have...

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At genetic risk for diabetes? You need to exercise more

At genetic risk for diabetes? You need to exercise more

London: While exercise is good for everyone, those with an immediate relative - mother, father or sibling...

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Believe it! Washing dishes reduces stress

Believe it! Washing dishes reduces stress

New York: If a look at the piling dishes in the kitchen sink after a long day gives you a headache, just take a deep...

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Depressed women with low-self esteem prone to shopping addiction

Depressed women with low-self esteem prone to shopping addiction

London: Husbands please take a serious note! The shopping addiction is more predominant in depressed women...

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Relax! Coffee won't make heartbeat go haywire

Relax! Coffee won't make heartbeat go haywire

London: People who like drinking coffee can safely continue to have it, at least in moderation, without the risk... 

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Diabetes medication could treat alcohol addiction

Diabetes medication could treat alcohol addiction

London: A medication used for diabetes and obesity could also be used for the treatment of alcohol...

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Skipped a heartbeat? Don't panic, but get advice to bring rhythm back in life

Skipped a heartbeat? Don't panic, but get advice to bring rhythm back in life

New Delhi: If you are young and at times experience sudden weakness, perspiration, shortness ...

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Depression? It could be just sleep apnea

Depression? It could be just sleep apnea

Sydney: Just having suicidal thoughts need not necessarily suggest that you are suffering from...

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Why you need to exercise more than your parents did

Why you need to exercise more than your parents did

Toronto:  If you are around 25 years of age and struggling with weight gain, you would have to

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Dental diseases cost the world $442 bn annually

Dental diseases cost the world $442 bn annually

New York: Improvement in oral health alone can offer the world substantial economic benefit as researchers have...

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Energy drinks linked to serious head injury in teens

Energy drinks linked to serious head injury in teens

Toronto: Teenagers who consume energy drinks are much more likely to sustain traumatic brain injuries (TBI)...

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Experts decode Inuit adaptation to high-fat diet in Arctic

Experts decode Inuit adaptation to high-fat diet in Arctic

Washington: An analysis of the genetic makeup of the Inuit people, who live in an extreme climate....

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Hour-long daytime nap ups diabetes risk

Hour-long daytime nap ups diabetes risk

London: While taking a short nap may be good for your health, extending it to an hour or more significantly increases...

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First human trial shows coffee at night disrupts sleep

First human trial shows coffee at night disrupts sleep

New York: A double espresso three hours before bedtime can induce a 40-minute...

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