Saturday 27th, July 2024
canara news

Health News

Alcohol allows bacteria to infiltrate into liver

Alcohol allows bacteria to infiltrate into liver

New York: Alcohol allows gut bacteria to migrate to the liver, promoting alcohol-induced liver diseases, reveals ...

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Now, sunscreen that gives you instant Vitamin D

Now, sunscreen that gives you instant Vitamin D

New York: US researchers have found a new sunscreen that guarantees no loss of vitamin D, rather allows...

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Lemon grass oil for pregnant women to fight Zika virus

Lemon grass oil for pregnant women to fight Zika virus

Bengaluru: Mosquito repellent will be part of Madilu kit, says Health dept. The State Health and Family Welfare department...

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Indian firm developing vaccine for Zika virus

Indian firm developing vaccine for Zika virus

Hyderabad: Hyderabad-based Bharat Biotech is developing world's first vaccine for Zika virus, which has been...

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Text reminders can help reduce blood pressure: study

Text reminders can help reduce blood pressure: study

London: Text message reminders can help reduce people's blood pressure by encouraging patients to collect... 

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Smokers who quit 15 years ago still at high lung cancer risk

Smokers who quit 15 years ago still at high lung cancer risk

New York: People who kicked the butt as long as 15 years ago are still at high risk for lung cancer... 

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Intensive instrument playing can trigger movement disorders

Intensive instrument playing can trigger movement disorders

London: Scientists from Germany have investigated the possible causes that may trigger movement disorders....

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Too much sugar during adolescence leads to eating disorder

Too much sugar during adolescence leads to eating disorder

London: Over-consumption of sugar during adolescence may alter the brain's reward circuits -- leading to substance....

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Blueprint of body's heat sensor found

Blueprint of body's heat sensor found

New York: In an important step towards new therapies for a variety of conditions involving pain sensation...

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Factors that lead to separation of parents of small kids

Factors that lead to separation of parents of small kids

London: With separation and divorce rising among parents of young children, Swedish researchers have identified seven... 

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Heartburn pills may raise kidney disease risk

Heartburn pills may raise kidney disease risk

New York: Popping common over-the-counter pills for controlling stomach acid, gas and heartburn daily may put you...

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Increased light exposure may make kids overweight

Increased light exposure may make kids overweight

Sydney: Children who spend too much time on tablets, mobile phone or television are more likely to gain unhealthy....

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Sugar cut in fizzy drinks can prevent 3 lakh diabetes cases: Lancet

Sugar cut in fizzy drinks can prevent 3 lakh diabetes cases: Lancet

Washington: Cutting sugar in sweetened drinks by 40 percent can prevent over three lakh obesity-related Type 2 ...

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Anti-body targeting fat-tissue hormone may treat diabetes

Anti-body targeting fat-tissue hormone may treat diabetes

New York: Researchers have found a potential new treatment for diabetes in an anti-body that they developed to target...

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Triple therapy to help fight deadly lung cancer

Triple therapy to help fight deadly lung cancer

Washington: In experimental models of lung cancer, researchers have found that a combination of two drugs...

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Beware! E-cigarettes may lead to cancer

Beware! E-cigarettes may lead to cancer

New York: Marketed as a safer alternative to conventional tobacco cigarettes, electronic cigarettes could actually...

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Blocking molecule may help prevent premature birth

Blocking molecule may help prevent premature birth

New York: Premature birth, a leading cause of death of newborns worldwide, could be prevented...

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Novel liver hormone cuts cravings for sweets, alcohol

Novel liver hormone cuts cravings for sweets, alcohol

Washington: In a good news for those who cannot shun their drink and also have "sweet tooth"....

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'Drugging' gut bacteria could prevent heart disease

'Drugging' gut bacteria could prevent heart disease

New York: Confirming links between gut bacteria and cardiovascular disease, researchers have demonstrated...

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Have fish oil to burn those kilos around your belly

Have fish oil to burn those kilos around your belly

Tokyo: Fish oil may burn fat faster than those fat-burning pills leading to an efficient weight loss in overweight or obese people... 

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