Friday 26th, July 2024
canara news

Health News

  Aerobic exercises restore protein quality in heart failure

Aerobic exercises restore protein quality in heart failure

New York: Aerobic exercises such as brisk walking, running, jogging or swimming is likely to restore the cardiac... 

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 Eat more homemade food to keep diabetes at bay

Eat more homemade food to keep diabetes at bay

New York,) Ditching homemade food for that king size burger and French fries can add not only extra kilos around your...

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 One in every nine men faces risk of sudden cardiac death

One in every nine men faces risk of sudden cardiac death

New York: Nearly one in every nine men and about one in 30 women are at risk of experiencing sudden cardiac death...

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 Don't blame media for teenagers' sexual conduct

Don't blame media for teenagers' sexual conduct

New York: The media neither contributes to the early initiation of sex among teenagers nor to their sexual conduct more...

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CSIR launches ayurvedic anti-diabetic drug

CSIR launches ayurvedic anti-diabetic drug

Bengaluru: The Council for Scientific and Industrial Research (CSIR) on Monday launched its ayurvedic anti-diabetic...

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Have curd daily to lower breast cancer risk

Have curd daily to lower breast cancer risk

Toronto: Intake of probiotics may help increase the proportion of beneficial bacteria in the breast and thus aid in preventing.... 

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 'Guided chemotherapy missiles' will only target cancer cells

'Guided chemotherapy missiles' will only target cancer cells

San Francisco: A team of researchers has used an engineered protein to direct chemotherapy drugs to tumours...

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Increase vitamin D levels to cut kidney problems

Increase vitamin D levels to cut kidney problems

London: A deficiency in the amount of vitamin D in the body may lead to....

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Why confidence in memories declines with age

Why confidence in memories declines with age

New York: Older people struggle to remember important details because their brains cannot resist the irrelevant "stuff" they... 

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Middle-aged at greater risk of late stage lung cancer

Middle-aged at greater risk of late stage lung cancer

London: Middle-aged patients between ages 50 to 64 are more likely to be diagnosed with late-stage lung cancer than... 

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An app that puts you to sleep

An app that puts you to sleep

Toronto: A Canadian researcher has created an app that uses a method that essentially "scrambles" one's thoughts...

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Men are too busy to see doctors!

Men are too busy to see doctors!

New York: Rather than make appointments to see their family doctor on a regular basis, men are often....

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Dietary copper could help you burn fat naturally

Dietary copper could help you burn fat naturally

New York: Further burnishing copper's reputation as an essential nutrient for human health, researchers....

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Stress can lead to structural changes in brain

Stress can lead to structural changes in brain

New York: Chronic stress can make us worn-out, anxious and depressed as well as also lead to structural... 

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Soon, 'print' customised tablets for personalised medicine

Soon, 'print' customised tablets for personalised medicine

Singapore: Imagine if you could combine the myriad of pills you need to take for your ailment in just one tablet and release... 

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Early detection can raise lung cancer survival rate

Early detection can raise lung cancer survival rate

London: Lung cancer patients identified with early stage of the disease can have up to a 73 percent chance of surviving...

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Nearly half of all heart attacks may be 'silent'

Nearly half of all heart attacks may be 'silent'

New York: Nearly half of all heart attacks may not have classic symptoms, such as chest pain, shortness of breath and cold sweats... 

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Drinking is deadly for Hepatitis C patients

Drinking is deadly for Hepatitis C patients

New York: Drinking alcohol can increase the risk of liver damage and death from the Hepatitis C virus...

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Sugary drinks in pregnancy can make infants fat

Sugary drinks in pregnancy can make infants fat

Toronto: Consumption of soft drinks by to-be-mothers may lead to an increased risk of high body mass index (BMI) leading...

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Depressed seniors are at dementia risk

Depressed seniors are at dementia risk

London: Elderly people who experience steadily increasing depressive symptoms are more likely to suffer...

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