Friday 26th, July 2024
canara news

Health News

An app that puts you to sleep

An app that puts you to sleep

Toronto: A Canadian researcher has created an app that uses a method that essentially "scrambles" one's thoughts...

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Men are too busy to see doctors!

Men are too busy to see doctors!

New York: Rather than make appointments to see their family doctor on a regular basis, men are often....

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Dietary copper could help you burn fat naturally

Dietary copper could help you burn fat naturally

New York: Further burnishing copper's reputation as an essential nutrient for human health, researchers....

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Stress can lead to structural changes in brain

Stress can lead to structural changes in brain

New York: Chronic stress can make us worn-out, anxious and depressed as well as also lead to structural... 

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Soon, 'print' customised tablets for personalised medicine

Soon, 'print' customised tablets for personalised medicine

Singapore: Imagine if you could combine the myriad of pills you need to take for your ailment in just one tablet and release... 

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Early detection can raise lung cancer survival rate

Early detection can raise lung cancer survival rate

London: Lung cancer patients identified with early stage of the disease can have up to a 73 percent chance of surviving...

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Nearly half of all heart attacks may be 'silent'

Nearly half of all heart attacks may be 'silent'

New York: Nearly half of all heart attacks may not have classic symptoms, such as chest pain, shortness of breath and cold sweats... 

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Drinking is deadly for Hepatitis C patients

Drinking is deadly for Hepatitis C patients

New York: Drinking alcohol can increase the risk of liver damage and death from the Hepatitis C virus...

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Sugary drinks in pregnancy can make infants fat

Sugary drinks in pregnancy can make infants fat

Toronto: Consumption of soft drinks by to-be-mothers may lead to an increased risk of high body mass index (BMI) leading...

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Depressed seniors are at dementia risk

Depressed seniors are at dementia risk

London: Elderly people who experience steadily increasing depressive symptoms are more likely to suffer...

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One minute of intense exercise can keep you in shape

One minute of intense exercise can keep you in shape

Toronto: You may now have no excuse not to exercise as researchers have found that a single minute of very intense...

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Blocking a molecule can better treat asthma

Blocking a molecule can better treat asthma

London: Blocking a certain signalling molecule can alleviate symptoms for breathing problems like asthma... 

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Talk to your kids at dinner time and keep them fit

Talk to your kids at dinner time and keep them fit

New York: Children who have their dinner, along with other family members, are generally fit and eating meals together...

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New bubble technology can shoot drugs deep into tumours

New bubble technology can shoot drugs deep into tumours

Singapore: An international team of scientists have invented a novel, non-invasive and safe method to deliver cancer...

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 Fast food may expose you to harmful chemicals

Fast food may expose you to harmful chemicals

New York:  Love to binge on burgers, pizzas and French fries? Beware, as consuming fast food can expose you to higher... 

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Liver disease risk rises in people with type 2 diabetes: Study

Liver disease risk rises in people with type 2 diabetes: Study

London: A team of British researchers have found that people with type 2 diabetes are at a greater risk of serious liver...

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New molecular marker can predict breast cancer risk

New molecular marker can predict breast cancer risk

New York: Researchers have identified a molecular marker that identifies proliferating cells in normal...

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One-two cup of coffee daily may cut colorectal cancer risk

One-two cup of coffee daily may cut colorectal cancer risk

New York: Drinking black, decaf or even instant coffee daily can lower the risk of developing colorectal cancer, finds a study.

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Make low sugar, high fibre fruit juice at home

Make low sugar, high fibre fruit juice at home

London: Want to drink a tasty fruit juice which is low in sugar and high in fibre? Here is the answer to your prayers...

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Weight loss with protein-rich diet linked to better sleep

Weight loss with protein-rich diet linked to better sleep

New York: Overweight middle-aged adults losing weight with a protein-rich diet are more likely... 

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