Friday 26th, July 2024
canara news

Health News

Diabetes ups death risk from cancer in Asians

Diabetes ups death risk from cancer in Asians

New York: Type 2 diabetes (T2D) is associated with a 26 per cent increase in the risk of death from cancers of kidney... 

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Researchers create painkillers without side effects

Researchers create painkillers without side effects

London: Researchers have discovered a new way of developing painkillers that act only on inflamed....

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 Why women gain weight post-pregnancy

Why women gain weight post-pregnancy

London: Continuing to gain weight post-pregnancy? Do not put the blame on your pregnancy, but on your lifestyle choices... 

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Epilepsy linked to stress, shows Apple app study

Epilepsy linked to stress, shows Apple app study

New York: Stress and lack of proper sleep are the major reasons for seizures in people with epilepsy, a study.... 

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Exercise makes you feel better and boosts health

Exercise makes you feel better and boosts health

Exercise and physical activity are a great way to feel better and boost your health. It helps you control your weight, keeps ...

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  Lack of glucose in brain may predict Alzheimer's risk

Lack of glucose in brain may predict Alzheimer's risk

New York: Chronic episodes of a dip in the sugar levels in the brain may trigger the onset of cognitive decline...

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People with Type 1 diabetes need to exercise safely

People with Type 1 diabetes need to exercise safely

Toronto: Maintaining good exercise regimen may be difficult and risky, especially for people with Type 1 diabetes....

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Exercise may boost brain activity, memory in elderly

Exercise may boost brain activity, memory in elderly

New York: Maintaining high levels of fitness through physical activity such as walking, jogging, swimming, or dancing...

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Change eating schedule to lose your weight

Change eating schedule to lose your weight

New York: Simply changing your eating schedule like taking the last meal of the day by the mid-afternoon can help....

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  Tablet devices can help dementia patients reduce agitation

Tablet devices can help dementia patients reduce agitation

New York: Symptoms of agitation among patients with dementia can be managed safely by using tablet computers....

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 Why obese individuals lack motivation to exercise?

Why obese individuals lack motivation to exercise?

New York: Feeling too lazy to hit the gym or follow an exercise routine? Your altered dopamine receptors...

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 Infant cereals don't have nutritional consistency everywhere

Infant cereals don't have nutritional consistency everywhere

New York: Premixed complementary foods sold in lower-income countries lack consistency in their nutritional

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 Customised nanodiscs may kill cancerous tumours

Customised nanodiscs may kill cancerous tumours

New York: Researchers have developed powerful nanodiscs that can deliver customised therapeutic vaccine....

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  Why cancer treatments cause collateral damage in kids

Why cancer treatments cause collateral damage in kids

New York: When exposed to cancer treatment like chemotherapy and radiation, brain and heart tissues in very...

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 New blood test may improve treatment for ovarian cancer patients

New blood test may improve treatment for ovarian cancer patients

London: Scientists have developed a simple blood test that can predict how ovarian cancer patients are likely...

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  Using public toilets while vacationing? Take precautions

Using public toilets while vacationing? Take precautions

New Delhi: With Christmas around the corner, the holiday season has officially arrived for travel lovers. While vacationing....

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Sleep disorder drug could help food addicts lose weight

Sleep disorder drug could help food addicts lose weight

London: A drug used for sleep disorder could also reduce the impulse for food, thereby helping food addicts to lose weight....

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Blood protein paves way for potential Alzheimer's drug design

Blood protein paves way for potential Alzheimer's drug design

Kolkata: Opening up new horizons in designing drugs for Alzheimer's disease, Indian researchers have discovered....

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Cataracts may increase depression in elderly

Cataracts may increase depression in elderly

Beijing: Older adults with cataracts -- clouding of the normally clear lens of the eye -- are more likely to have....

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  Young cancer survivors have twice the risk of suicide: Study

Young cancer survivors have twice the risk of suicide: Study

London: Survivors of cancer diagnosed before the age of 25 may be at more than two-fold increased risk of suicide.... 

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